By Ellie Glason
Between executing insight-driven research for international brands and leading PR agencies, we regularly like to take our own ‘state of the nation’ deep dive into a hot – and often divisive – topic.
And we often make these research stories list-based – for reasons I’ll discuss in more detail below.
Last week GingerComms – powered by our research arm Perspectus Global – resolved a debate which has raged for decades throughout the nation’s households and workplaces: just what IS the best biscuit?
Our research of 2000 British adults found that the chocolate digestive reigns supreme – the favourite biscuit of a staggering 70 percent of the nation.
Also on the top twenty list of the best biscuits were Jaffa Cakes, Chocolate Hob Nobs and Custard Creams.
Overall, our research was covered by 42 media outlets, with a total estimated readership of 1.55 billion, and 2,200 social shares.
You can see the full spread of coverage here:
We find that these list based stories are going down incredibly well with national news media at the moment, especially when the topic is funny, heartwarming and nostalgic.
Listicals are visual and eye-catching, and convey a story in an easy-to-digest (excuse the pun) way.
They work well for both online and print outlets – and also are a great basis for social media content related to the brand.
If you want to chat to us about creating successful newsgen through research, then get in touch:
And – to keep you bang up-to-date with this hot topic, here is the top twenty list of the nation’s favourite biscuits:
- Chocolate Digestive 70%
- Shortbread 61%
- Chocolate Finger 58%
- Jaffa Cake 56%
- Chocolate Hob Nob 55%
- Custard cream 53%
- Jammie Dodger 51%
- Maryland Cookie 49%
- Bourbon 47%
- Crunch Cream 46%
- Plain digestive 44%
- Viennese Whirl 43%
- Rich Tea 42%
- Ginger Nut 42%
- Hob Nob 41%
- Oreo 40%
- Malted Milk 39%
- Nice 33%
- Fig Roll 33%
- Garibaldi 21%